Tuesday 13 October 2009

October 14th


  1. Well I'll play if anyone else wants to! (Karl can you move the pages so they are in chronological order? Ta)

  2. Thus reversing the entire practice of bloggers all over the planet. What difference will it make....I'm not going to update it weekly just to keep the relevant post at the top anyway. Once October is over they'll all be on one page anyway, it's only because I put up to Xmas that it has flipped over.

    If anybody else has got a problem then they can start their own blog....and while they are at it they can collect the keys, pay for the game, open up, lock up, collect the subs, and take the keys back...

  3. me, chris and mike make 5.

    I think you doing a fine job Karl. You have set a standard nobody could compete with.

  4. Positive vibes all over the place...

    Ed's in.. #6

    I am doubtful...but still 50/50...maybe! Probs be a last minute thing...



  5. i'm in! have we got enough?

  6. And its about time you washed the bibs too isn't it Karl? (Excuse my ignorance on the ways of bloggism, its just that I was a little confused and no-one had posted yet...didn't mean to sound like I was complaining...you're doing a top job)

  7. Actually you've only got 6 as my back is still out from last week so I'll have to pass. I'll book it once you have 8 but someone will have to go and pay / collect keys etc. Karl

  8. #7

    Not looking good this week is it?

    And Karl you're doing a great job IMO.

    (By the way, I've got the bibs but won't be able to play next week so if tonight doesn't happen I'll need to arrange to get them to someone)

  9. In @ 8, surely we can rally two more? Is Jamie in? I assume he is, as he's played consistently over the last month or so. I'll try and encourage Matt to play, so we should be ok on the numbers front.

    FYI - I'd be happy with 4 on 4 in any case.

  10. I'll see if I can get Danny to play...

  11. No Danny, can't get my mate John to play and Matt won't play either.

    James, are you 51/49 yet?
